Function of Plasma proteins

  • Maintain osmotic pressure and fluid balance in the body
  • Transport lipids, hormones, and other molecules
  • Play a role in blood clotting
  • Contribute to the immune system by binding and inactivating pathogens
  • Act as enzymes or precursors to enzymes involved in various metabolic processes.

How plasma protein help in maintaining viscosity of blood

The viscosity of a protein depends on:
(i) the shape of the protein molecules (mainly), and
(i) the size of the protein molecules.
The less symmetrical the molecule (like fibrinogen), the greater is its viscosity. Since 80% of total plasma protein concentration is due to albumin, and fibrinogen is present in traces, blood viscosity is maintained at low level. Normally viscosity of blood is 4-5 times that of water.

hypoprotenemia leads to oedema

Hypoproteinaemia (i.e. decrease in plasma protein level) causes decrease in COP, therefore, increase filtration occurs at arterial end and decrease in absorption of fluid at venous end, resulting in abnormal collection of fluid in interstitial spaces, called Oedema.

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