What is HOMEOSTASIS Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. This is achieved through a complex series of physiological andRead More…
What is HOMEOSTASIS Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. This is achieved through a complex series of physiological andRead More…
What are membrane transport proteins 1. Channels: eg.Ion Channels (Ligand gated, Voltage gated, Mechanically gated) simple diffusion2. Carriers: a. Uniporters (facilitated diffusion), b. Pumps (primary active transport), c. Symporters (se co-active transport),Read More…
What is Apoptosis Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death in which body cells die and get absorbed (phagocytosed) under genetic control. Here cell’s own gene plays an active role onRead More…
What is action potential An action potential is a rapid sequence of changes in the voltage across a membrane. The membrane voltage, or potential, is determined at any time by the relative ratio of ions, extracellularRead More…
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